Since 2008, Générations Solidaires Val-d’Oise 95 (GSVO95) has been developing socio-cultural activities which promote intergenerational learning and training for fragile groups of people. GSVO95 creates interactive workshops to provide access for all to the digital world, as well as to teach them how to repair all types of objects for reuse instead of throwing them as waste.
Other workshops in various fields allow members to create and maintain social links. In this context, GSVO95 has joined EURORESO and ERASMUS+, european organisations promoting social integration.
Thereby GSVO95 contributes to Adult Education programs, by developing methods taking into account the intercultural aspects for educating and training adult migrants.
Web site: gsvo95.fr
Contact person: Koffi Hukportie khukportie@gsvo95.fr
BFI Upper Austria
Affordable education on the doorstep
The BFI Upper Austria orientates its entire offer to the requirements of changing conditions of vocational qualification and pays attention to certified degrees. Its two cornerstones remain: that of affordable education for all interested persons and that of the self-evident nature of services for its customers. The BFI Upper Austria is very close to the people and, with its four regions and locations in 22 municipalities, is represented nationwide in Upper Austria.
Web site: https://www.bfi-ooe.at/de/ueber-uns/das-bfi-oberoesterreich.html
Contact person:
Dipl.-Päd. Sigrid Regina Demmel SigridRegina.Demmel@bfi-ooe.at -
KU TU is a marketing and communications agency and consultancy, focused on the development of attractive marketing, communication and educational products for a wide variety of organisations and sectors. KU TU has promoted and/or participated in over 20 European cooperation projects and networks providing education and inclusion opportunities in the fields of language teaching and learning, promotion of LWUTLs, enhancement of the quality of language learning, providing learning opportunities for young people, integration of migrants, active citizenship, promotion of tolerance, anti-discrimination and inclusion of marginalized groups, facilitating access and inclusion on the labour market, etc.
Contact person: Aneta Voycheva office@kutu-bg.eu
EURORESO is a network that has been in existence for several decades, with partners in all Member States. Currently, the EURORESO network involves 57 partners from 30 different European countries.
EURORESO has participated in virtually all types of European transnational programmes and its members have extensive experience as single and collective entities. Its membership now includes partners from all over Europe with wide experience and proven expertise in education and training in various sectors, including social inclusion, migrant integration, women rights and equality.
EURORESO has participated as a partner in numerous projects and its members have carried out several successful network projects under the Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, KA2 Languages and Erasmus+ programmes.
Web site: www.euroreso.eu
Contact person: Karl Gaertner euroreso@gmx.de
“Iniciativas de Futuro para una Europa Social” (IFESCOOP) is a non-profit cooperative which works with the regional and local Public Administration (Regional Government and City Municipalities), Social Partners (Trade Unions and Employers Associations), as well as many other institutions and organisations in different fields, mainly related to adult education and vocational training.
At European level, “Iniciativas de Futuro para una Europa Social“ promotes and develops international projects within the framework of the programs of the European Union.
Web site: www.ifescoop.eu
Contact person: Fernando Benavente fernandoifes@gmail.com
Czech Republic
ALK is a network of more than 400 professionals and experts (teachers, counsellors, social job advisers, psychologists, seminar leaders and professionals in the companies) covering whole Czech Republic. ALK provide them the training courses, educational programs, thematic workshops that help them to acquire qualification, competencies and special practical skills.
Web site: www.trainers-alliance.eu
Contact person: Ludek Richter richter@aklub.org
Inthecity Project Development
The Netherlands
Inthecity Project Development is a creative multimedia agency. Its team of “digital storytellers” incorporates recognised and proven expertise in filmmaking, animation, web design and development, event video production, and social media. The company’s specialization is in discovering diverse real-life experiences and bringing the stories to life so they can reach a wide audience with the original message and spirit of the experience.
Web site: www.inthecitystudio.com
Contact Person: Reneta Palova reneta.palova@gmail.com