Promoting interculturalism, tolerance and diversity in the learning process

Theory: Promoting Interculturalism, Tolerance and Diversity

What is Interculturalism?[1]

Interculturality is the set of relationships and interactions between different cultures, generated by encounters or confrontations, described as intercultural. It is the open and respectful exchange of views between individuals and groups from different ethnic, religious, linguistic and national backgrounds on the basis of mutual understanding and respect. Such dialogue is crucial for promoting tolerance and understanding, preventing conflicts, and enhancing societal cohesion.

The competences to take part in intercultural dialogue need to be learned, practiced and maintained,

Intercultural communication is a very difficult practice and if educators are poorly prepared, they will discourage or fail, despite their good will. Improving the effectiveness of the language teaching process will motivate adult migrants to get involved in learning.

Promote Interculturalism will help educators working with migrants to benefit highly from appropriate awareness raising and training in principles and practice of interculturalism in language education will improve the quality of their service.

What is Tolerance?

Tolerance is being patient, understanding and accepting of anything different. Tolerance is needed in all spheres of life, and on every level and on every stage, because it plays a vital role to establish peace and love, from the smallest Section up to the highest Section of society.

Being able to accept someone else’s differences can have positive effect on one’s wellbeing. Being tolerant removes one’s self-imposed barriers and allows one to think more broadly and enjoy greater inner peace.

Promoting tolerance is very important today as it brings a sense of respect, individuality, diversity and peace among everyone. Tolerance is harmony in difference.

What is Diversity?

In the cultural sphere, diversity is a source of enrichment. Ignorance of the benefits of diversity is thus a major obstacle to intercultural action.

Promoting diversity is very helpful because it shows the ways that people are both alike and different. The dimensions of diversity include race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, language, culture, religion, mental and physical ability, class, and immigration status.
